10 Java String Hacks You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

Siddhpura Amitkumar
4 min readMar 16, 2023


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Java’s String is one of the most fundamental classes in the Java programming language. It provides a convenient way to work with text data, but there are many tips and tricks that can help you get the most out of it. In this blog, we’ll cover 10 unique tips and tricks for working with Java’s String class that you may not have seen before.

Tip 1:

Using String.join() to concatenate strings One of the simplest and most powerful methods in the String class is join(). It can be used to concatenate strings with a specified delimiter. For example:

Tip 2:

Using String.repeat() to repeat a string Another handy method in the String class is repeat(). It can be used to repeat a string a certain number of times. For example:

Tip 3:

Using String.strip() to remove whitespace. The strip() method is a new addition to Java 11, and it can be used to remove whitespace from both ends of a string. For example:

Tip 4:

Using String.isBlank() to check if a string is empty or contains only whitespace. The isBlank() method is also a new addition to Java 11, and it can be used to check if a string is empty or contains only whitespace. For example:

Tip 5:

Using String.format() to format strings The format() method can be used to format strings in a specified pattern. For example:

Tip 6:

Using String.toCharArray() to convert a string to a char array. The toCharArray() method can be used to convert a string to a char array. For example:

Tip 7:

Using String.matches() to match a string against a regular expression. The matches() method can be used to match a string against a regular expression. For example:

Tip 8:

Using String.replace() to replace characters in a string. The replace() method can be used to replace characters in a string. For example:

Tip 9:

Using String.offsetByCodePoints() to get the position of a character. The offsetByCodePoints() method can be used to get the position of a character in a string, based on its Unicode code point. For example:

This method can be useful when you need to work with characters that are represented by more than one code point, such as certain accented letters.

Tip 10:

Using String.repeat() to pad a string with a specific character. The repeat() method can also be used to pad a string with a specific character, such as a space or a zero. For example:

In conclusion, Java’s String class is a powerful tool that every Java developer should master. By using the tips and tricks outlined in this blog, you can work more efficiently with strings and write more effective and efficient code.

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Siddhpura Amitkumar
Siddhpura Amitkumar

Written by Siddhpura Amitkumar

📱 Android Engineer, 📝 Writer, 💻 Open Source Contributor, Techie, IoT, Interactive Projects, ☁ AWS, Google Cloud, Firebase, Python, React.

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